The Bottlenose Dolphins are the main attraction in New Quay with Cardigan Bay named as one of the best places in the UK to spot them. During trips we often observe the Dolphins feeding, socialising and breaching up to four metres into the air, even sometimes swimming alongside our boats.
Atlantic grey seals can also be spotted bobbing in the water and hauled out on rocks in the spots which our experienced guides will point out to you. Depending on the time of year there are a variety of sea birds which fill the cliffs and skies.
You will learn more about the wildlife during your trip and some of the local history and geology but we keep our talks fun and entertaining. All our trips are operated in accordance with the Ceredigion Marine Code of Conduct, to learn more about this go to :
Here you can see the very rare Chough and you could also see Gannets, Shearwaters, Oystercatchers, Puffins, Cormorants, Shags, and many more as well as Seals, Dolphins, and Porpoise, rare Sunfish or even a rare Sea Turtle!